Sole UX/UI Designer
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This case study explores my very first project as a designer for Designlab Bootcamp so it's part case study and part exploration on how I developed my foundational skillsets as a designer. I chose the topic of "taking care of ones health" and created a mobile first responsive website based on UX research.

Sole UX/UI Designer
Dishing Out Knowledge
One byte at a time.

This case study explores how I leveraged UX/UI principles, industry research, and my own experience to create a restaurant tailored menu trainer app that helps restaurant management and operators train servers efficiently and consistently while tracking staff progress.
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This case study explores how I equipped an existing Point of Sale system with a much needed Bar Search Feature that is integrated with on hand inventory. The Feature enables staff to look up unfamiliar cocktails and relays whether requested drinks can be made, minimizing service disruptions and improving team coordination.

Sole UX/UI Designer
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